I came across this forum when searching for what to do with my first and rather sick phalaenopsis I bought reduced at a local store a few days ago within two days I became hooked on the little beauties and today hev purchased 3 more orchids on-line which are Maxillaria hematoglossa, Thuma alba and Dendrobium williamsonii, They come with care instructions apparently but my research is on as to what I do for them all I know is that according the site I have purchased them from they are cool temp Orchids, I have so much to learn but as all 3 of the above were low in price as the Thuma alba and the Maxillaria were in a sale so I am expecting these although stated as flowering size will take some coaxing into flower again which will be good practice and the Dendrobium williamsonii was not expenisve either I thought I would give these a go and see how I fare, My Phalaenopsis needs re-potting into bark as it is in moss which is what I bought it in and I have learnt this is not a suitable medium for it, So tomorrow I am off to buy bark for him see if he recovers. He is also very tightly packed into his pot so I am thinking go for one a size up to allow some air circulation around the root system, I am open to all suggestions and help I am truly a beginner and I so want to learn.