Becky here, residing in NoVa - I am originally from Norway and my mother was a plantaholic, so I inherited the gene - newbie to both this board and orchids - serious case of OCD when it comes to plants - so what is another obsession...ahem, passion for (is what I like to call it) - I am blessed with enabling friends and a hubby who understands the passion - what more can a gal want? I started with C&S, and that lasted for a while, then I directed my madn...ahem, passion towards Hoyas, hubby hated them - didn't like the tiny gnats - so I rehomed them to good homes and went onto Caudiciforms and Fatplants - with a vengeance...theeeeen, my enabling bestest buddy got me ga-ga over fragrant tropicals, vines, gardenias, jasmines, oh the list goes on...and my fatplants and tropicals have lived fairly happily side-by-side - but, now it's time for the fatplants to go to new homes - I have discovered orchids (well, I knew about them, just managed to steer away when I saw them - until my bestest enabling buddy made me aware they are fragrant - I was a gonner) - so after researching and reading I am ready for "the plunge" - I was gifted a Lc. Angel Love x skinneri - which at the moment is living in the windowsill - once the fatplants find new homes (at least most of them) I will start adapting a 3 tiered light rack for better growing conditions for orchids - for the moment I am just reading and learning, I am sure the questions will come

and I'll come screaming for help...Bec