cold yes.. -3 this morning..not as cold as some places.. lol but when you have to milk in this weather 2 times a day out in the open and elements.. it gets.. cold big time..
i live out in the country here.. not much of a city person.. im not a total beginner tho i am stil learning..
mounted my first orchid a couple months ago.. so far so good..( a unknown phal.)
im actualy trying my hand at hybridizing.. i crossed my golden bells phal. (someone said it was a peloric orchid?)
with a dark dark purple unnamed phal.. with a perfect big flower shape.. . so far i have 2pods growing.. and i crossed the dark purple on a similar shaped almost pure white.. also 2 pods.. what i need to do now is find a honest company that can flask them for me..
the orchids are not the only tropical plants i have.. i have a full sized orange tree.. 3 dwarf citrus.. orange lemon and key lime..
lemmon grass.. my tomatoes.. god only knows what else..
we do heat with wood.. so i have to constantly keep a bucket of water on top of the wood stove to keep humidity in the air.
sure hope spring comes fast.. during summer time i keep the orchids outside where they thrive like crazy.
and it makes it easier on me too lol.
later in march.. my mother promised to let me order a few orchids online.. havent yet decided on a vendor.. but i definately want unusual.. not the normal store orchids.. love the ones i have but i want more.. lol.
ahh well. time for me to go.. i will post later and some photos too on the photo page?