Hello everyone...have been involved with orchids for about a year. The "collection" numbers around 15 (mostly cats). Now that our son is on his own, my wife suggested I get a hobby to keep from driving her crazy. Orchids seemed like a challange with great rewards.
Looking forward to learning from all of you and, in time, possibly contributing to others questions.
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. My hope is that the collection grows large enough that it "forces" my wife to suggest building a greenhouse...yeah, right..LOL
A question...Our phal has lost all its blooms.How far down do you suggest we cut the spike? In the past I cut it as low as possible while another theory says that it should be cut near the top so that it nay bloom again from another branch.
what a nice wife you have, although I fear she doesn't know what she got herself into
As far as your phal goes, you can do one of 2 things.
1. Cut it all the way down to the base
2. Leave it unbothered to see if it reblooms from it (phals can do that)
There's no bad option here, although if you cut back the spike you are most likely to get bigger blooms next season as opposed to a couple batches of regular ones.
Welcome to the board! When is a son (or daughter) ever on their own? Just wondering. Seems like nowadays kids are totally dependent on parents (unlike my days when I wanted to "cut the cord". Anyways, glad you joined and have fun with your hobby. My prediction: Sometimes kids are less demanding than orchids but not very often!