Hi All
I am Tony and I live in Perth, Western Australia on the eastern edge of the Indian Ocean. I grow a wide variety of orchids in a hot house and a cool house (that's one without winter heating.) Summers here are hot and can stick around the 40C mark for days at a time. This is semi desert country where it hardly ever rains between early December and late March, meaning that the humidity in so low as to not be worth talking about. Winter temps can get down to 2 or 3C overnight but usually warm up during the day. Min daytime temps would be around 14C on rare occasions
Makes for interesting orchid growing.
I am webmaster for a couple of orchid societies here. The Wanneroo Orchid Society
for which I do a monthly online newsletter with pix
Plus the Species Orchid Society of Western Australia which has over 1000 pix of Western Australian native orchids taken by the late Ron Heberle
The Species Orchid Society of Western Australia also has a monthly newsletter with pix
All this helps to keep me off the streets.
Please enjoy