Everyone! I'm so excited to be apart of this forum. I'm not exactly new to orchids, I've had a few Phalaenopsis and a Dendrobium. Sadly, though, they didn't make it
. I just bought a Phalaenopsis about a month ago, to celebrate moving into a new house, and am hoping beyond hope that this one doesn't meet the same end as the ones previous. I'm hoping that with some special care and attention and not loving it to death, this one will make it. Hopefully, with the support of knowledable people, like yourselves, I will be able to keep this one for a long time. If it makes it, then i will undoubtly buy more. If it doesn't make it, I won't make anymore orchids suffer from my black thumb.
My questions are as follows:
1) The blooms have fallen off (no worries, I know this is normal), but the flower spike is turning black at the tip and drying out further down, about 3 inches. The spike looks healthy and normal otherwise. I am hestitant to cut it, because I am afraid that I will damage it. I'm cut shy, because I cut a spike from my Dendrobium and it never flowered again, then sadly died from neglect, it was in a room I never go in. 2) I have my new baby in the bathroom, where the best light is. I have it sitting on the side of the bathtub near a window that has the glass bricks (?), anyway, it is about 4 feet from the window. I hope it is getting sufficient light, I don't know exactly how much it needs.
I have 5 cats and can't put it in the windowsills, for fear they will knock it off, I know they will and the plant will get scorched.
Any suggestions would be most welcome, because I am lost and will be very upset if I lose my baby. Thanks!