Hi been kind of busy lately bringing in over 700 orchids with the weather getting cooler in the Chicago Burbs. I grow many different orchids, love em all and have been growing them for over 30yrs. This is my first post hope it's in the right place. I am the treasurer of the Batavia Orchid Society so I get an indepth account of growing orchids. Love em and looking foreward to working with everyone on the orchid forum.
Last edited by orchidingram; 10-16-2008 at 07:05 PM..
Chuck and welcome to the OB. When you say you are bringing in over 700 orchids where they outside or in a greenhouse and where are you putting all of them?
I can't imagine taking care of 700 orchids but it would be fun.
You need to send cause we love
With your years of experience, I'm sure you'll be an asset to our community. We have growers from all walks of life with varying levels of experience and every one of them is generous with their knowledge. This is a great place to be
If you need help with anything, let us know...and we'd love to see some pictures
Chuck to your new home
For some strange reason I see your name and I hear Peppermint Patty's voice calling Charlie Brown "Chuck" Guess I just love them darn cartoons too much
Welcome to OB Chuck. Sounds like your work is cut out for you. 700??? I know it gets really cold in the Chicago area Brrrrr. You'll have to post some pictures where you 'winter' them.
Hey Chuck, Good to have you here. This is a pretty amazing place. Lots of new growers eager to learn (your 30 yrs will no doubt come in handy). We also have quite a few experts, AOS judges, field researchers, propagators, guerrilla photographers, and seedling traders. If you don't watch out, 700 may become 1000 in no time!
I am really out of room for more so if I get any more chids I have to get rid (OUCH) of some first so space is a limiting factor now. I spend more time repotting than I like with little time to sit back and enjoy them.
Welcome Chuck Very nice to have you around!
I cant even imagine how long it takes you to repot- But anyhow you've come the right place, lots of orchid lovers and addicts