Hello and I'm offering...
I'm Dennise In Washougal, WA. I'll be here for a short time to give my orchids away. Free to anyone in the Vancouver/Portland area or Napa, CA or Tucson Yuma, AZ. We'll be south for the winter and I'll bring them with me if I know they'll find a home. Now living with a disability, I have too many irons in the fire. I'll post in classifieds too. My orchids are in need of TLC and include 6 cymbidiums, 2 dendrobiums (one is d. benizuru,) one epimedium and one oncidium . I'll miss them but as I say, they need TLC from someone who will give them what they need.
Last edited by Snagridge; 10-13-2008 at 06:34 PM..
Reason: more information