Hello Kayt!
Welcome to OB!
I tend to have dry winter air also. I heat my home with wood in the winter, so I have a double whammy going on. I sometimes run a small fan in the winter during the daylight hours to circulate air. I also have a humidifier going, plus use humidity trays and I mist the roots every other day or so.
One thing that you can get from dry stale air is pests on your orchids. Another thing you
may notice is the leaves will crack or look like an accordian (pleated).
Having said the worse case scenario, I have a friend who grows orchids and heats her home with wood, has dry conditions in her home, and doesn't spoil any of her orchids in any way...yet she has beautiful blooms and growth just the same.
So keep an eye on them and if you see anything negative happening, perhaps it's time to adopt some moisture-giving solutions.