]Hello everyone you all orchid nuts.lovers and orchid wizard out there ..I would like to introduce myself on this wide wide web of orchid information .I am from the Philippines ya the country that has 7 107 island nation and just subtract some and add some more if it is high tide and low tide ..the country that was blessed with so many orchids to choose from .I grew up there until I was on my twentys and grew up around with my family raising orchids as a regular plants like most of the people there but paying attention only with the most common there which is the vanda and the phalaenopsis. Back then we really don’t know anything like the ,fertilizing in particular, like for vandas we just cut them and put them outside attaching them to a wood and water every afternoon which now here in the us is a no no because of the rot that would eventually develop but over there through experience we water them every afternoon like 5 pm which our concept then is to save water so orchids could enjoy being wet and would seep into them longer than watering them every morning that by ten o’clock they are all dried up.. As I have said I don’t know why but it could be the weather or the kind of Vanda which is Terette that we are actually growing but don’t have problem with rot nor problem with blooming because I remember that almost everyday of the year there is one in bloom be it Vanda or Phalaeonopsis As I have said I don’t know why but maybe with different planting method like the phalaenopsis we stick them on a tree branch applied coconut fiber around them and water them everyday and they did survived and bloom ,but anyway I move here now in the US of A and here now in Orlando with Mickey and Donald and still growing Vandas and phalaeonnpsis .ok my concern now is about my Vandas. I will be posting some pictures of how they are then and some of the problems that I am encountering right now .hope I could post them here I will be studying your guide on how to post . Like the way in the Philippines we grow them on a tree trunk the cut Madre cacao trunk attached to a cement but we don’t have it here in Orlando so I kind of improvised it . I would be posting them here but that would be in the next post ok .right now I would just like to introduce myself here and hope to get as much help through information that you very knowledgeable guys and gals would be providing and hoping to have good exchange of information from you guys …thank you and more power .
the karate kid