Hi and thanks to everyone.
Yes somekind of a "bug" have been bitten, I have also got several other indoor plants like hoyas, saint paulias ect. and also in the garden very much new plants in this past year and a half..
I try to post some pictures of my orchids to the Gallery section. It took a little time to make list of my orchids to the userprofile. Most of my orchids I have bougt nearby market and gardenshops, some are given me another hobbyist and those with a proper name
Are co-ordered (several people makes a one big internet order- get some postal payments reduced) with others by mail from some orchidplaces in Europe.
Most of my phaleonopsis are those market-ochids hybrid that don't have name, NOIDs as Dorothy said. They are still very beautiful, here's another nameless "princess"
And second picture is my husbands gift for me in a last mothersday in may
ps. First thing I did in this forum was the voting, a tip came in from someone in one finnish forum