Hey everyone! Figured Id take a moment to introduce myself before I take the dive into the forums. Im a 2nd year horticulture student at Valencia in Orlando. I am taking Intro to Orchidology this semester and in looking for resources to assist me with the several projects I will be required to do this semester, I stumbled upon orchidboard, and this seems like the right place to be!
My first introduction to orchids came about 6 years ago when I received a
Phaius tankervilliae. Ive been dividing it every year since and have at least a few dozen pots now. After being amazed by the blooms and my success with Phaius, my collection quickly expanded to include
Blettila, and
Arundina representatives. After visiting a park down in Miami, I was really taken away by the mounted orchids and quickly acquired a bunch from different websites and home improvement stores with the intent to mount them. I had no real understanding of non terrestrial orchid care, and really didnt understand the care needed with mounted orchids in central florida. Several hundred dollars later, I am left with only my mounted Phal's and tons of small chunks of cypress wood and cork. We live, we learn, right?
My most 2 most recent acquisitions are a
Vanilla planifolia cutting and some type of pendant
Dendrobium, I am not sure of the name right now. The vanilla was a small cutting, which was supposed to be rooted, however, the roots that were there upon arrival were dead, so it is slowly working on taking root. *fingers crossed*
Some of the projects for school include a writeup on a tribe, a genus, a species, a hybrid, a disease or insect and finally a presentation on an orchid topic of my choosing. For the presentation I have decided to go with Florida native orchids and any conservation efforts involving them. If anyone has any links, suggested reading or expertise on those 2 topics I would greatly appreciate any support provided! I think the most pressing question I have right now is, exactly how many native orchid species are currently recognized in Florida? A google search tells me anywhere from 80something to about 100.
Thanks for reading!
I promise Ill make use of the forum's search feature once I post this