I have something wrong with my Vanda, Fuchs Delight.
I am not sure if it is sun burnt or some other virus or pest. My son moved it into much brighter light than usual and this is when it happened however, none of the other Vandas got this problem. I appreciate any and all help.
I agree with nick it looks like water/sun magnified effect. Keep your eye on it I bet it doesn't spread, what part of florida are you in. its been raining here in miami for a while Im starting to grow gills.
I believe more and more that vandas should be grown hanging on their sides to help avoid crown rot or accumilation of any water at all. just my
I agree with Nick, It does look like sunburn, like it caught a direct ray of sunlight true glass or something. I caught one of mine just when it started burning so it did not get to that extreme but it looks just like that has the darker center with the yellow edge.