Tervehdys! (Hello!)
I stumbled upon this interesting looking site while looking information on some orchids. I usually lurk and gather information from other peoples questions, but I thought it would be fair to at least say hi.
We have an active orchid society here in Finland also, but some species are quite unknown so more sources of information are always nice.
And of course you all want to know what I have and know already, so I'll save you some time and give a brief history of me and my growing collection. I bought my first
Phalaenopsis (cheap market-hybrid as we call them) over 6 years ago. It hasn't bloomed after that, but it's no wonder, the care has been inexistant. I'm lucky that it's still alive

After some time doing whatever young men do, my interest towards plants started to grow (but no orchids, not yet) and now I'm studying plant production at the University of Helsinki.
After buying few
Phalaenopsis now and then, I became more interested in orchids in general and now this summer after reading some literature I'm completely hooked. I have
Phalaenopsis of my own and 4 in day care after being over-watered by my mother
Paphiopedilum hybrid
Dendrobium with no name, a hybrid I guess

Cymbidium hybrid
Cambria hybrid
I got tired of these plants with no names, so I bought a few more
Dendrobium kingianum
Laelia kautskyana
Encyclia garciana
Sarchochilus hartmannii
without having any idea what they need or how to grow them. But learning is a process which never ends. I'll post some stupid questions later, first I need to read everything there already is!
Thank you all for a nice community