hey everybody. just wanted to say hello.
stumbled upon your forum the other day when i was trying to find some info.
liked it so much i decided to join.
i have one picture in my gallery of one of my paphs. trying to get some pics of some of my other orchids on to my computer(although my camera isn't really cooperating).
Dr_frnkblck and to the OB !!! Glad that you decided to join us here. This a great site to meet new people and to learn from our passion. Enjoy it !!!!! By the way your Paph is gorgeous !!!!
So glad you found us...I love this place...you'll get all the help and advice you need about your own special chids...and speaking of ...your pix are beautiful..even the NOID...the unknown Phal; I have recently purchased one that looks very much the same...I'll have to upload some more pixs...mine has no ID either!...but she is grand to look at!.. Eileen
I loved your photos too! I am just now trying my hand at growing paphs. I hope that I can grow them as beautifully as you obviously do.
thanks to everyone so far for the kind welcome. i have more orchids but no pictures of them in bloom. so many of you have such extensive collections with incredible pics.