So I guess I'll just jump in. I just found this forum last night while checking the hours for the Oak Hill Gardens. They are literally around the corner from me I was hoping to visit today but they are closed.
So I have 2 orchids right now, I have had various phals in the past with not too much luck. Neither of my orchids (1 phal and 1 dendrobium) had bloomed since I purchased it. I'm thinking I need to repot?? The other day I decided to set them out on my deck. The phal has now gotten a new leaf. The dendrobium has many leaves but I don't see any difference yet. I have them sitting on my railing so they get some morning sun. The last two nights it has rained so I have empited the pots of the water that was in them.
Well that's all I have right now I look forward to meeting you all and learning lots. Thanks!