Thank you for the warmth welcome everyone.
. I'm on the road right now, so taking a picture of the orchid will have to wait. I'll post ASAP, but be warned, it is nothing close to as good as any of you guys/gals. out there. It's a phal orchid.
Originally Posted by blackorchid
Hey! I'm from Dallas too! I'm so happy to see people that living in the same area. So where do you live exactly? Maybe I could help you with the orchid addiction, lol...
P/S I have several extra clear pots and cocohusk if you want some for your NEXT (this is for sure!) orchids. Welcome and have fun in OB
I live in the North Dallas area (Garland). Thank you for the offer of the pots and cocohusk, i'll keep it in mind. I'm not sure when my next orchid will be, let me try to keep this one alive first. hehe wish me