I am about to purchase my first orchid this weekend. Have done some extensive research on some of the commercially grown orchids widely available. I have a west facing window and have narrowed my selection to either a "Paph" or a "Phal". Some of the other members here have posted pictures of their mounted orchids and eventually I would like to try this. If anyone has a suggestion on what species of orchid is best suited for a mounting on driftwood and some sphag. your comments are more than welcome! Look forward to searching the site and making some new friends.
Hi Shawn!!!!
Welcome to OB and the world of orchids!
If it were my choice, I would opt for a phal. They bloom beautifully and last for a very long time. They are easier to care for, and they can be mounted.
Paphs need more attention and their blooms are not as often.
I'm curious, why mount your first orchid? That makes it a little more work.
Good luck with your first purchase!!! That's so exciting....be sure to let us know what you get!!
I'm not sure I will try the mounting with my first orchid (my second orchid may be a diff story) although that was originally what I had planned. I've been a bonsai grower for a few years now, so maintaining a plant daily isn't too much of a challenge for me. Although I say that now. Can't wait to get started though. I am already addicted to orchids and I've yet to get my first one. I hold you all responsible for my new obsession
Hi Shawn,
I am also from Fairfax (City) and am relatively new to orchids. If you would like some info on vendors, supplies, clubs, PM (private message) me and I can fill you in. We have at least 2 excellent growers in the area and a low key but interesting club.
I'd opt for a phal too, probably becaause I like 'em so much. They are relatively easy and will reward you with beautiful spikes full of blooms. After you get your feet wet a bit then jump into something different.
I've gotta agree on the Phal choice. The hybrids are as close to indestructable as an orchid can be, though the species can be finicky. Phals are relatively easy to care for and give great rewards.
Thank you all for your help and quick responses. I see the "beginner's choice" is the Phal. I most def. will give this a try. I will post some pics of the lucky guinea pig as soon as the victim is chosen.