Just saying hello.
I'm new to orchids and forums also, so please excuse me if I commit any forum faux pas, or for any blinding ignorance I may demonstrate. Although this seems to be a fairly kind place, so I'm sure I'll get along OK. I have two phalaenopsis orchids I've recently acquired. One, my first, I found in the garbage can outside of a gas station roughly two months ago. It was in pretty bad shape, and still is, but I seem to be doing well bringing it back. I also have a new one I bought today from a garden shop down the street. I figured it would be a good idea to have a healthy mirror to judge my orphan by. I look forward to meeting and absorbing knowledge from you fine people, and will probably start firing off some questions in the coming days, but I'll save that for another post.
Last edited by DickyBreeding; 06-19-2008 at 01:04 AM..