Thanks, I will certainly check into this book.
What little experience I have with orchids I got from my neighbor who was formerly a floral designer. She had a couple and I got the 'bug'. I was always afraid I'd kill them but I *knock wood* have been very fortunate that they all seem to be healthy and happy... except for one -- and that is/was my fault.
I got distracted when a friend dropped by while I wasl giving one of my cats in a wooden planter a good soaking. By the time my friend left I completely forgot about it/them. The bad part is, is that I have a utility sink in my back yard and I fill it about 1/3 and put the plants in there for the soaking. It has no shade -- AND making it worse yet - all the water leaked out coz I didn't put the stopper in tight enough. When I got home from work the next day, one (of the two) plants were fried. And I do mean fried. Nearly all its' leaves were mostly all black (like an over ripened banana) and I was just devastated. Of course I rewatered/saturated it since it was dry as a bone and immediately brought it in completely out of the (south Florida) sun. I watched it for a couple days to see what it would do.
Some of the really bad leaves dropped by themselves. Others I cut off just at the 'bud'. I grow my cats in bark and spag moss. Its been about 2 weeks now. Surprisingly this morning I saw new growth of all things. And there are still some leaves have a little black/brown (sun burn) marks on them, but I'm leaving it as is for now --
Someone has some better medicine advice for me to make sure I don't lose my pot of cats.
Thanks so much
Last edited by Chele; 05-21-2008 at 02:14 PM..