Hello from Colorado! ⚧️
I have been keeping orchids for about three years now (I picked up the hobbie when I transitioned and have been obsessed ever since). I found that it is a good way to hold myself accountable for something other then myself, my partner or my cats and it slowly became a strong hyperfocus of mine.
I started off with a modest Phalaenopsis, that I still have today. She just started to spike. yay!
I also currently have a Oncidium in full bloom, along with a Dendobrium that I am shocked is still even alive. I had to split it after it almost died, and during the split I was shocked to find a huge infestation of mealybugs. the lone survivor seems bug free so lets hope it stays that way!
I think the next plant on my list is a Castasetum.
Excited to meet more people who are into orchids!!! I hope everyone is having a nice evening.