Hello Everyone ,
This is a great site , I must have read every post , and picked up tips along the way .
I started with one phalaenopsis about 18 months ago (as a gift) , and everytime I saw something , I wanted one ! , I seem to have been bitten bad by the "orchid bug" , but I like the Cattleya's most of all , although I am the proud owner of a Psychopsis which has been in flower now for about 2 months .
I have about 50 plants , mostly Cattleya's , but my collection also includes Grammatophyllum , Peristeria , Encyclia , Lealia and my latest Arachnis .
They all grow quite happily in my screen room for about 10 months of the year , then they all come into my "used to be" back bedroom , which is now my orchid room
I have asked a couple of questions here , and now thought I better say "Hello" ... at last !
This weekend I bought a couple of clay orchid pots , not the normal type , they have their own reservoir for water , and look like the fork of a tree , I mounted the plants on the outside with a little spagnum moss , and filled the reservoir with water , and now waiting for results .... ha ha ha ! , this is the first time I have tried mounting orchids on anything .
I work nights as a restaurant manager , so get to see my orchids by the light of day most days .
Also have 2 dogs , 4 cats and 30 cockatiels , the cockatiels started as two , but that is a long story which involved building an extension onto the screen room to house them in a mini-aviary
That's it , Happy Growing ... David