Thank you all! Nice to be back
Originally Posted by jai_star
I have recently reignited my love with orchids and returned to this site
Sound like an amazing job you have theire please do share some photos of the grow space and those beautiful orchids in your part of the world 
I work in Kew Gardens here in London, in the Orchid Unit of the Tropical Nursery where basially all of our tender back-up collections are kept (i.e. everything that is not on permanent display in the public glasshouses). We are a small team looking after 5 different climatic zones, cool through to warm growing. There are a few strong points taxonomically speaking: big Bulbophyllum collections, Dendrobium, Coelogyne, Maxillaria - but really there is a mix and match of a whole lot of different things. I mainly look after thw intermediate-warm growers but help out here and there with everything else too!
We don't (currently) have good photos of the nursery collections, which is a shame, and hopefully at some point in the future we'll put some up to share with the wider world. For the moment best I can do is to dig through my own pics and post some on here in a few days!