Hey all.
I just joined...and I'm from Trinidad and Tobago.
I don't really grow orchids but my mother does and we (my sister and I) end up taking pictures of them...
Most of them are unidentified vandas, dendrobiums and maybe a cattleya and who knows what else. Some are tagged...some...have weathered tags. Some have never bloomed...some aren't blooming any more.
Recently I've joined the backyard crew in helping and I'm hoping to find names (or something close) for most of them...and for the ones that not blooming any more...maybe help? Mom says she has to repot some. I guess I got to learn about that too. She has a book...
These are
my mom's orchids taken by me. Um...there are more...pictures...I've got to upload them. And there might be some more orchids too :-)
I guess I'll ask about them on the ID forum.
Nice to meet you all.