Originally Posted by Roberta
There are several Board members who live in Texas. You can get some ideas there as to what you can get away with. With some shading there are actually quite a few orchids that will handle those Texas high temperatures. (Shading keeps leaf temperatures from going above the ambient temperature) Lots of members of the Cattleya group will be fine. Members of the Catasetum group as well. Read through the various Board posts. Some very active long-time members, who live in hot climates and have shown photos of their growing areas and discussed the issue a lot, are estación seca (Arizona), isurus79 (Texas), RJSquirrel, (Texas), DirtyCoconuts (south Florida) for a start. Apologies to those I have missed... there are many others as well.
Thanks! I was actually looking at a few posts and it does seem like there's quite a few that do good outside. I'll have to look again but I believe several of the houses my fiance and I are looking into have good shadier spots in the backyard and some spots to put some hanging baskets as well.