Well, hellllo, everyone!
After lurking for several years and learning (so much, seriously y'all) about my slowly growing collection, I made myself an account.
I've had orchids consistently since 2017. I've saved lots of sick phalaenopsis, killed a couple dendrobiums (thank goodness for keikis and backbulbs, I've saved one scrappy miniature pink noID - the first Den I was able to rebloom), binged on oncidiums, dabbled in epidendrums, and expanded to cattleyas almost a year ago, and I just bought myself a catesetum.
...oh...and I've got a vanda in a basket outside. I always forget the vanda...
I have most of my things in leca, clear inner pots, with a cachepot that is either a s/h reservoir or humidity tray if I'm a little late in watering. Exceptions are two D. aphyllum/pierardii keikis that I have mounted on a chunk of oak branch I harvested from my roof and Epi. radicans that I have running wild in bark + cactus mix...oh...and that vanda in a basket (I did tell you that I always forget the vanda

Not expecting consistent blooms for a year or so because most of my new plants are 'juvenile' and my older plants got set back.
Other hobbies include: crochetting, knitting, sewing, baking, playing the ukulele, photography, video production, graphic design, and learning stuff.