New grower here, have only been growing for around a year.
I almost exclusively grow species. Fragrance is usually the determining factor of what I choose to grow, but I'm also fascinated by really weird genera like Psychopsis or Myrmecophila. Also fatass pseudobulbs.
The ecology of orchid's can decide it too. The orchid that started my interest in the hobby was Angraecum sesquipedale and the famous story about Darwin predicting it's hawkmoth partner. I've yet to get my grubby hands on one, but I want no other orchid more than it.
I try to keep just once species of each genera that peaks my interest since I have limited space, but angraecoids and catasetinae are way too cool to just keep one per genus.
I experimented with hanging and mounting plants, but it made watering kind of annoying. I'm sticking to pots thank you very much.
Like many other orchid growers, I also grow carnivorous plants. Sometimes feels like the orchid-carnivorous grower venn diagram is a circle. I have no idea why.
It started with just one plant. How did it get so out of hand?