I don't know if they will want to mess with shipping, but it won't hurt to ask.
If the question about the greenhouse being open was directed to me, yes on the 9th and 11th. I have two talks on opposite ends of the earth on the 10th. *grin*
I am Orchid Express & Leasing here in Houston, Texas.
I am interested in your orchids.
I would like to get some vandas and some Encyclias.
Even several Brassavola nodosas.
Please let me know.
Sorry to hear of your closing.
I used to work for Orchids & Ferns which also closed about six years ago which made me very sad. Then I opened up my own orchid store. I do now know just how hard of work it is.
I have some beautiful Vandas,Ascda,Monk,and other
Vanda allianice.
All from Tialand all bloooming size,some HUGE.
I have Encyclia's and Brassavola's.
I don't know if you be interested but I do have specimen
Encyclia and Brassavola that will make you many plants to sell or for show.I could sent you pictures on those 2.
And the roll of Vanda's Let me know Cindy