Hi folks,
I've been growing orchids indoors for the last ~10 years but for some strange reason seldom have used this forum.
Well...the last few days I've spent countless hours (i should spend sleeping

) exploring the forum and I couldn't be more excited to be apart of this group!
I've started growing orchids in a trial by fire sort of approach, buying countless poor Phalenopsis on clearance at home depot for 1$ after the inflorescences had died back. Slowly but surely I started to learn and caught the orchid bug!
Originally, I did everything pretty low tech- natural windowsill sunlight and water from an aquarium as fertilizer. Over the years, I slowly started playing around with different styles of growing. I've been growing under LED's and ferts(both slow release and dissolvable) for the last ~5 years with some solid results. Recently, a friend who grows aroids inspired me to build my first indoor glass orchid greenhouse with LEDS, fans and a
misting system, which I hope will be great for some of spp I have that love heat, humidity and some of my micro orchids.
I try to grow a little of everything with some of my favorites being Arpophyllum spicatum, Cymbidium dayanum, Dendrobium trinervium, Eulophia leachii, Fredclarkeara after dark 'svo black pearl', Macodes petola, Myremecophila Christinae, Oeceoclades calcarata and Warczewiczella discolor.
I'm here to learn- so thanks for having me!!!
Greetings from an orchid obsessed veterinarian from NYC!

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