It has been quite some time since I posted here last, so I thought it better to re-introduce myself.
Hi, windowsill grower from Sweden (yes, I grow windowsills, not orchids

I used to have an collection of about 70-ish orchids, consisting mainly of Phals (species, primary hybrids, complex hybrids), Paphs (same as the Phals, but more species in comparison) and a few other genera.
Unfortunately, I completely burned out and sold/gave away/tossed my entire collection as I couldn't care for them anymore.
I got diagnosed with autism (high functioning) during this period and have been on sick leave since. It's taken a very long to return to something resembling my previous self, and I'm still not there yet.
I bought a NoID Phal before Christmas to see if I could care for it. After that one, four more followed and I started to feel the old joy of caring for orchids again.
Sadly, I threw all of them in the garbage earlier today after discovering scale on one of them. I'm planning to order some named Phals from one of my favorite vendors as soon as it gets warm enough to ship, and I just couldn't risk getting scale on them as well.
I don't have the energy to battle scale and as pesticide is not readily available to the public here in Sweden, it would've been a drawn out one.
Anyway, I'm sort of back but without orchids at the moment. The plan is to order some Phals and if I'm capable of caring for them without burning out, I'll order some Paphs as well. I won't have close to the same number as before though and I have to be hard on myself so I don't get lost in the orchid addiction again.
So, hi!