Hello to all,
I have read topics on this board occasionally, and I finally decided to sign up. I find it is full of lots of good information and discussion.
I have a very small collection of 3 hybrid Phalaenopsis and 1 Dendrobium. After one or two misadventures with previous orchids, I wised up and started re-potting them. These ones look good and healthy, and should be around for quite some time to come.
I think all orchids are neat, but my main interest is in Phalaenopsis, especially the miniature type that are so windowsill-friendly. I also have some interest in Oncidium / Tolumnia and Cattleya, though I have never taken care of any.
I may have a few questions about identifying and obtaining hybrids as I cautiously grow my collection. Can't go too fast, as I don't have much windowsill left.