New to orchids, looking to learn.
I’ve been tending plants for most of my life, but managed to (semi-deliberately) stay away from orchids until June of last year when a stray Phal followed me home.
Everything was normal for a few months, the Phal was happy and I was happy. But then in November I found myself staring at my aunt’s Neos. On a whim I asked if I could take a fan, but she pointed out that they weren’t well established so she didn’t want to risk an injury.
I’m sure you can guess what happened next.
With my impulse denied, the mild interest I’d been feeling transformed into a burning lust. Now I had to have one for myself, I NEEDED it.
Several weeks later my order arrived, with 2 mini Neos.. Plus a few more little friends that had caught my eye.
Since then I’ve cobbled together a mini greenhouse, with mini lights and a mini fan. I’m slowly learning how to make them happy, experimenting with light, water, mounting, humidity, fertilizer.
I’ve gotten to a point where the questions I have are specific enough that it’s hard to find answers by searching the archives, so I figured I’ll make an account and ask them directly! I look forward to learning from you all.