Originally Posted by Optimist
HI and welcome! I've found that buying plants that need to be mailed in the deepest of winter is very iffy. I am going crazy here because I want a phrag so bad! I'll tell you what, maybe study up on what kind would do well in your place. Get a light meter, and a humidity gauge and check where the best place would be. I have personally found that although Phals are said to be easy and for beginners, frankly other plants like paphiopedilums or oncidiums are much easier for beginners. It depends.
Hi! Thank you for the welcome
Yes, I just could not wait! I got all of my plants in the last 4 months, and only a few suffered cold damage, so I have been pretty lucky so far.
My environment is hot and humid in the summer, warm and dry in the winter (indoors). I figured I'd order a variety and see what thrives and what doesn't. Definitely not cold growers, and definitely not large plants.
The mini phals were 8 bucks each, so I can't complain much hahaha. The seller said he will send me replacements, so hopefully the new ones will be healthier. Once Hausermann starts shipping outside Chicago, I am planning to order Neofencia Falcata and maybe Jiaho's Pink Girl (they are both in the beginner section and small sized). Maaaaybe another Tolumnia. I don't know. Any recommendations?