I've been on here for a few months now, mostly reading and learning but also talking to many of you. This forum is lovely, and its amazing to me that so many growers with decades of experience just chat and volunteer knowledge worth its weight in gold! I know I have a long road ahead of me, but I'm happy I've found such a beautiful hobby.
About myself, I'm a 22 year old college student from South Texas. I have ADHD, and I've had more short-lived hobbies than I can count. I'm hoping that making friends and actively interacting with other growers will help me commit to this for the long term. At the moment I'm still "between majors", as I was just diagnosed last year after a long hiatus from college and it has been a rocky road adjusting again. My main interest has been Computer Science, but honestly this hobby is reviving my interest in biology so I may reconsider that...
As for my plants, I've got a nice little collection! Mostly plants I've gotten online, but also a few from the San Antonio Orchid Weekend, which I attended at the end of January. Here's a list!
- Catsetum expansum Rojo
- Monnierara Millenium Magic 'Witchcraft'
- Prosthechea fragrans (?)
- Vanda Boonyarit Spots
- 3 x Phalaenopsis hygrochila
- Ascocenda ampullaceum
- Cattleya schilleriana
- Cattleya leuddemaniana
- Cattleya intermedia
- Blc. NEW HYBRID (Blc. Love Sound 'Dogashima' AM/AOS x Blc. Schroder's Love 'SVO' AM/AOS)
I've got new growths on two of the hygrochila, ampullaceum, intermedia, prosthechea, vanda, and both catasetinae!
Lastly, I'll ask a question and give my answer.
What sparked your love for growing orchids? I had a mini phalaenopsis NoID that after not blooming or growing for years, started to die. I was obsessive in trying to revive it, but it didnt make it. I learned how beautifully different and complex orchids were, and that spurred me to try growing more. Now I'm here!
Thanks for reading my wall of text, I hope you have a nice day <3