Hello, (orchid) World,
my name is ambrosia and i love orchids!
i have quite a few orchids. 6 + 2 + 3 + 3 wow 14 (15 but one is a present) orchids right now.
my collection started with a piddly little grocery shop clearance phal with the most beautiful bloom, who somehow survived a summer with my mother, notorious plant murderer. i was surprised by their strength!

and so i decided to collect them.
i try to only pick up orchids on sale, i like the challenge of rehabilitation. looking forward to learning a lot from this site!
of my 14 i have a 3 new dendrobiums, 2 of which are in the same hanging basket (?!) so i am on the hunt for dendrobium repotting advice. they are in bloom so i am nervous to repot now, there is some small growth and i have read it is best to wait until they are 10 cm above the media to repot. however, with spring approaching the northern hemisphere maybe i should repot now before the roots explode?! agh!!! hard decisions!
besides that, i am very interested in mycology and organismal biology, so if there is anybody who sees this and has done any investigation into the orchid rhizosphere i would love to talk!
warm regards from a cold place!