Now that I`ve already postet a thread in two forums (thou one was in the wrong one...

) its aboot time i say hallo *s*
I`m quite new in the orchidworld, but i have to admit i have been adicted already!
My love used to by me a new orchid every year for my birthday, and every time it survived for about 6 months...

After the fifth one, he became quite expensive.
Then i realized what id been doing wrong, and now i have nine orchids, all of them growing and healthy.

8 are phalanopsis and hybrids of this, and one im not qiute sure, but have gotten som hins on.
Now im quite extatic, becourse the first one i got, latest blooming in last november, has a new flower coming! My first, very owne, "selfmade" flower! One of the phalanopsis.
I hope to learn a lot, and get some new hints on the way, im looking foreward to read and mabe in time join in with some things ive learned too.
(My english is quite rusty, please correct me if i use wrong words or spelling...

See ya!