just want to say hello
Hello! I just registered and thought I'd introduce myself. I'd been checking this site for the past several days, and I have to say I've already learned a lot! Don't know if "latebloomer" is the best username, but I guess it will have to do!
Up until 2 years ago I was an avid african violet collector before. For the most part the violets fluorished under my care. Now orchids...?? Someone told me that if I could grow violets then I should be able to grow orchids. I had some phals, one slipper orchid and one sharry baby. I haven't had them a year when I moved to my small 1-bedroom apartment, which unfortunately, faces north. I never did find out how I'd do with orchids. I sadly left my collection (av and orchids) where they were growing happily.
I resisted getting back into plants as I knew my place was too small, and too dark besides. Then on Valentine's Day, I was given a phal. Since then, I'd been surfing the net to read up on them (but I resisted going to shows because we all know what happens there!) I did buy one more phal since then, and I think a third one's in order! They are doing well so far, but then again, it has only been 3 months. I hope I'll have the same success with orchids as I've had with violets. Only time will tell, and I will keep consulting this forum! These are truly beautiful plants!