Hi from Tampa
Hi there. I am new to this site, and can't believe I didn't find it sooner. I just posted a message, and thought I'd take a few minutes to tell you about myself and my orchids. I am an orchid mini-hobbiest. I got my first phal. for mother's day several years ago. At that time, I took a piece of my mom's unifoliate cattleya which she has had for 10+ years. I now have 10 phals, 3 cattleyas, and my newest addition is a vanda. I'd love to have more, but I just don't have the room.
I am very much a beginner. I nearly killled 2...one by over-watering, and they other by under-watering. It may seem strange, but I am glad that happen. I figured out what caused the problem and how to correct it in the other plants while bringing my victims back to health. I have developed a great love for my orchids. I spend much of my time just looking at them. And at the same time, I get some much needed relaxation.
My orchids are outside in the morning sun protected from the rain. They are in clay, plastic, or baskets; all of various sizes and potted in a sphag. moss and typical bark/charcoal mix with coconut fiber at the bottom of the baskets only. The combination of medium was suggested by a local grower. And the coconut husk was the only way to prevent the mix from falling through the basket. Everyone seems pretty happy!