Hello from Baltimore Maryland. It storming here again tonight. I am a senior member here once again. I have been gone for a few years. I was diagnosed with MS just before losing my husband to cancer. I was in a deep dark hole and I couldn't find a way out of it.
Long story short I was in the hospital and then into a rehab facility to learn to cope and learn to walk again after having a hip replacement for a long time.
While in the hospital I was sent a Phal and my son placed it with my other orchids, well it ended up killing all my other orchids I had in my collection. I came home to a dead collection of orchids and my orchid case was not on. My kids never told me as they know it would of upset me. As it would anyone, this cause me to not want to clean up all the orchids I had and the seedlings I was raising from deflasking them all. I wanted nothing to do with anything again for several years.
I ordered some items from Rays website and I am going to do the Semi Hydro set up. I read his articles and I hoping this will be a nice set up for me. I also ordered some seedlings as I am starting from scratch once again. But I am not ordering flasks this time around. The seedlings will be coming in bare root and I hoping I can just put them in semi hydro setup. I know your suppose to wait for new growth to be forming but I am having to start completely over.