Thank you all for the lovely replies!
Originally Posted by Diane56Victor
I'm not sure if any of these places below will send to NZ
If Sarcs are your next adventure, Kevin Western has a laboratory here in South Australia where he does a lot of Sarco breeding.
You would need to find him via Facebook as my usual link to his website does not seem to be working. Its named as Western Orchid Laboratories on Facebook.
Mallies Phallies as the name suggests does sell a lot of flasked orchids, mainly phals but there are some other species too.
Burleigh Park Orchids in Queensland does mention importers would need to organize import certificates.
Woolf Orchids website mentions flasks but I couldnt find any reference to exporting to NZ.
I have heard of Joshua Orchid Nursery in NZ but other than the name I cant be any more help.
Google search should bring up others.
There are a couple of NZ growers who have YouTube channels, Esthers's Orchids is one that springs to mind immediately . Maybe a question on her channel would help you, she has been responsive to my comments.
If I can help any further just ask.
Thank you so much for the recommendations!
I just searched up WOL, so many flasks sold out sadly.
Mallies Phallies had so many orchids I'd love to have in their pre-order lists, but unfortunately they told me can't ship to NZ, bugger.
I've heard of Joshua's Orchid Nursery, they specialize in Cymbidiums! Great plants. I've ordered quite a few times from them. Besides them, the only other orchid nurseries here and Tucker's and Eva's. Love them too!
I'm subscribed to Esther's Orchids! A lovely lady! I enjoy watching her vids when I have the time, I'll definitely have to ask her about some things!
Originally Posted by Shadeflower
I thought the south island was just for tourists and dolfins 
Queenstown is just one big holiday camp from what I remember.
Is there no way of bringing orchids from Australia or do you need paperwork for that?
Anyway I'd love to trade places. It's become hard to find new varieties here in the UK too.
Hi! I love queenstown, but going down south is just too cold for me! Can barely last a week!
Yeah, unfortunately importing mature plants here is really expensive and time-consuming for the average hobbyist. Flasks are really the only reasonable way (still expensive though sadly haha).
Originally Posted by Leafmite
Hello and welcome!
Some vendors from Asia and the Americas (Ecuagenera) travel to shows and a couple of months before they come, you can pre-order orchids and they will ship them when they come into the country. They have all the permits to import the orchids and go through all the inspections. Some might charge a small fee for this but it isn't too much.
If you know someone who sells orchids and imports them from other countries, if you get to know them well, they might be willing to let you know when they do their orders and show you a list and let you order a few. Some people have been fortunate enough to get orchids that way.
The US is really fortunate that we have so many vendors who sell orchids. I hope that never changes. Yet, sometimes I am searching for a certain orchid and it is only being sold in Europe, Asia or Australia. It does happen.
I know of Ecuagenera, I was hoping to buy some flasks from them! Just waiting on some replies, Great orchids and aroids too! Unfortunately, the last time I know that Ecuagenera came here was in like, 2013.
SVO is also an option but the $275 for the Phyto cert and CITES kill me, one day I will buy something there though, my catasetum obsession demands it!
The US is super fortunate! I'm envious haha.