Hello Orchid Board!
I've been lurking for quite awhile reading posts and researching miniature orchids. I'm fairly new to orchids. I "discovered" miniatures about a year ago and it was love at first sight. I have since scoured the internet for any and all information I could find on these "mini miracles". The information I've found on Orchid Board has been extremely valuable to me and I thought it was about time I sent out a huge THANK YOU to each and everyone of you that have posted information about minis.
Over the last year I've become fairly obsessed with minis and bought allot of plants. I've purchased from just about every vendor I can find. For the most part I've received ok plants although many have suffered catastrophic shipping "accidents" or arrived with very unwelcome pests....bush snails, spider mites, etc. A recent purchase has annoyed me enough to write this post. The order was shipped Priority Mail on June 16th and I've yet to receive it. The tracking number shows its location as still at the origin facility. After several attempts to contact the vendor I got a rather snippy email saying they wouldn't/couldn't do anything until FIFTEEN days had elapsed and that I shouldn't worry about the plants they would be fine.
I'm NOT BASHING ANYONE!!! Actually quite the opposite. There is one vendor that has never disappointed! I've seen very few mentions of them on Orchid Board and they deserve recognition for their excellent product and unequaled customer service. I'm referring to
Tarzane Group Orchids. Their plants are always healthy, pest free, packaged as if they were tiny little babies swaddled in fluff (not a single leaf or bloom damaged in transit). I can't say enough about their quality of product and their customer service!! You won't find the quality they offer anywhere else. They love the plants as much as we do!!!
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
EDIT: Today is June 30th, exactly 2 weeks since the package was scanned into the origin facility. At 4AM this morning it finally left the origin facility and shows as "In Transit". I'm fairly certain I'll receive a box of decomposing plant matter by the time it finally gets here! The $15 I was charged for "priority 2 day shipping" seemed a little high to begin with but after 2+ weeks it's ridiculous!!!!
I would move this post to the "Vendor Feedback" forum but I don't know how