Hello everyone! My name is Laura, and I'm in Texas. I've been learning so much already reading many of the wonderful posts here I figured it was time I joined!
I started with a gifted grocery store orchid about 2 years ago. Accidentally killed that guy one summer when I left it in my car too long (

), but my collection has grown since. My blooming size orchids are mostly phals, plus a den. and a vanda, and I recently got some seedlings (mostly catts), plus I take care of a couple for my mom when they are not blooming.
I'm a college student, so I'm in the middle of finals and this post is a break from studying for my biochemistry final lol.

That's also why I have two locations (College Station/Houston), and, I recently learned, two growing zones, depending on the time of year! And it means I get to nervously pack all my orchids into my car and drive them back and forth to school every few months.
I'm excited to keep learning and growing my orchids! I just recently got my bigger flowering vanda and I think I've fallen in love with vandas but they also scare me a little bit. I've only recently started really caring for my orchids so I have lots of questions and lots to learn!
P.S. Are the tags always kinda weird and don't let you actually put just the ones you want? It keeps adding some automatically even when I "edit tags" and deselect them.