fellow newbie.
I have a money saving tip for you.
Instead of buying a bunch of new orchids keep your eyes peeled for orchids belonging to people you know that don't look too healthy (the orchids I mean although my clever plan might work even better if the people aren't healthy

). You then offer to "rescue" their orchid

for them with a promise to return the orchid when it is back to good health. Next, you take the orchid home with you and cut away the "sickly portions (this works best with older sympodial plants such as oncidiums and dendrobiums) and pot that for yourself. Now, if all goes well, after several months, your friend's orchid will end up with a better looking plant that will have new growth at both ends and you will have a new orchid for your troubles.
This is a tried and true method for orchid procurement. I know, because I am currently "nursing" approximately 15 orchids for my brother in law. Any of the ones I like will be joining my personal collection once they are healthy enough for division.
Hope this helps.
P.S. That monstrous Onc. sphacelatum (why yes, that is a 1gal watering can sitting in front of the orchid) will be "trimmed back" after it flowers and the "trimmings" will be come part of my collection.