Hello all! I’m new here and I figured the best first thing to post was a bit of an introduction. I’ve been growing (and unfortunately, killing) orchids for a few years and after reading through some threads decided become a member for myself. I’m glad to be here and I hope to learn a lot! I currently grow most of my orchids either in my greenhouse (a 4’ x 6’ I like to call the outdoor terrarium) or under my grow light beside my dart frog’s tank. I have about a dozen, most of which are miniatures - the smaller the better! Like I said, I’ve had orchids for a little while but this is the first year I’ve really tried to expand my horizons. Any recommendations would be gladly accepted. Hope y’all have a great day!
Welcome from NM. I am short time orchid grower and know you will learn a lot here on the Orchid Board.
Lots of long timer experts around here, who will answer any question.