Paphiopedilum Maudiae with brown spots on leaves
Actually I was brought here by a Google search for Phrag Orchid Plant Culture. I'm housebound in Upstate NY for long periods of the year due to Trigeminal Neuralgia and found my first Paph in a local nursery. It is nameless, elegant and doing wonderfully -- the fact that it has just rebloomed is a miracle for me. My sisters have been very supportive of my "midlife affair." So given my budget (begging the monastery bookkeeper that this is for my mental health) I got a Paph Maudiae on E-bay. It arrived a couple of weeks ago pretty beat-up, with leaves looking as if they'd been whacked and beaten. After a couple of soaks in our well water, once with some fertilizer, it revived, but brown spots appeared on the wounded edges and got larger. I've just cut them off with sterilized scissors and put rubbing alcohol on the cuts -- sounds like the brown bacterial rot someone described and since I can't tolerate chemicals, I'm hoping this works. I couldn't resist another E-bay bargain and am looking forward to getting a Phrag seedling later this week... I can't access the type here, but it was described as the kind that lives on stones. I'm hoping it won't need care radically different from my windowsill Paphs...