Hello Marty. I could not find this particular spot before, and nothing looked like a lace to post anything. That's what I was complaining about.
Now that I've found this, nothing to complain about, except that I'll have to find it again asnd am notsure that I can find mhy way bacvk Yep. got something to comp[lain about. it doesn't woirk like mjy cioputer. I have fat fingers, and often hav eto go back to correct and proofread my entries. I hve to do this as I go alongon this screen,otherwise the entire line of type disappears ahead of me as I correct. his occurs if i take out a letter and have to add two. Then the line in front of where I'M TYPINGN DISAPPEARS.
OK. I'm 84, started growing orchids when I was 15--stopped because of going to college, away from home where the greenhouse was. Started up again during my second marriage , bnig leaky greenouse. Got divorced. started up again in my 3rd marriage. Had a cool house with about 1000 seedlings and a cold wind cmae down the 20 ft. chimnehy one night, blew ojut the gas stove's ;pilot and agakin, no more orchids. Stopped. took down the greenhouse.
have a Doritanopsis in the house which is growing its 2nd leaf since I've had it now for about 8 months . A Friend just me 4Cyp formosanum which I'll try to grow outdoors as soon as it warms up sufficiently to put them out
I live in a NW Chicago suburb and there's usually snow on the ground on April fourth for the 35 years i've live at this address.
I'm a retired psychologist and also grow a few aroids and out-of-zone plants. I'm in USDA one 5a. SO Cheers.