Hello! I'm new
I'm new to this forum and new to Orchids. I have only been keeping them for 3 weeks. It came in a rush really

and I already have 5 orchids. I have 2 very little unidentified dendrobiums (which started it all), 2 mini phals (well advertise as so but I'm not sure. It had a flower spike but was in very bad condition. I hope to bring them back), and one possible adult Phalaenopsis schilleriana (It didn't have a tag. Almost every flower shop/nursery here don't use tags :/ unless they're very expensive orchids) but the adult schillerina seems a little droopy on the leaves even though its hydrated :/ it also has good roots so I'm not sure. So yep that's all! Thank you for reading ^^
this is the schillerina