I have 8 palaeonopsis , one has 3 large strong leaves , but now the are turning yellow from the tips . No new leaf yet looking for help.can't ad photo at this time yellow is about 1/4 of ea.leaf.
Last edited by vivi; 04-21-2019 at 11:38 PM..
Reason: Trying to lode photos don't no how
Are the yellowing leaves at the bottom of the plant or the top? It is much more concerning if the top leaves are dropping off.
Have you inspected the roots? The most common issue is that people want to over water orchids, which can lead to the roots (and then the rest of the plant) rotting.
If the medium (the stuff the orchid is growing in) is wet, let it dry before watering again.
Please keep us updated and please follow up with any questions.