Hello and thanks for welcoming me to your expansive community!
First, a bit about myself (and then on to the good stuff.) I'm a 23 year old college student (3 years of my undergrad completed in neuroscience. Abandoning that and switching over to plant science or greenhouse management this Fall.) Currently I woke at a garden supply store.
I bought my first grocery store phal about four years ago. Followed by three more.... of which only one remains alive and well today.

Learning curve, I suppose. Today I have around 75 scattered about, including a number of duplicate divisions/keiki's. I grow most of them under a 1,000 watt metal halide grow lamp, as I live in Montana. Lots of dendro's, catts, a few paphs, and a number of other various genera (vanda, grammatophyllum, cymbidium, etc.) I have a deep interest in collecting particularly species orchids.
Other hobbies include organic gardening, mountain biking, my 3.5 year old dog (very high energy. she is my life!), photography, reading great literature and science writing, and always striving to learn more (hence my registration on Orchidboard!)
Onto the orchids:
Err. It seems I'm not allowed to link photos yet. I'll try again after this post.