Hi everybody,
I'm new in this fòrum...
I have been searching the identification of a new orchid I have recently buyed but I haven't Find it. Of course I asked where I bought it but they didn't knew the name (it was bought in a big garden center)
I think it is an oncidium type but I'm not sure. It is a mini Orchid with the flower of 4mm size. The plant is about 10cm tall. The flower is so extrange it seems to grow to the oposite side, the lip is at the upper side while the sepals and petals at the lower side. Perhaps it is a peloric one?
I attache some pictures of it......
It's definitely from the Oncidium alliance. Unfortunately the flowers aren't fully open and the photos are very blurry, so that makes even an approximate ID much harder.
Having said that, I'm getting vibes of a intergeneric hybrid involving Ionopsis. Perhaps it's Ionmesa Popcorn or a similar Oncdium / Gomesa x Ionopsis hybrid.
Than you so much!
It really seems to be it!
It is not common this kind of oncidium here.
I have been searching the cares of this plant but I can't find them. Are they like the other kind of oncidium?